Because black hair deserves only the best.

Tips to help keep your hair healthy and beautiful between salon visits.

Unfortunately, the perfect amount of styling product that works best in your hair can only be determined through trial and error.  When trying a new product, first apply a dime-sized amount to a section of hair and then observe.  If it looks good, then continue applying the same amount to each section of your hair until complete.  If you haven't achieved the desired effect, try increasing to a nickel-sized amount and apply to another section of hair.  Compare results.  If you still aren't satisfied, try increasing to a quarter-sized amount and then compare results.  At this point, if it still isn't working, then maybe it isn't the right product for you.  Sometimes, in cases of frizz or lack of shine, the problem is best corrected with proper cleansing and conditioning, not by over-applying a styling gel, pomade, serum, oil, or etc.  Remember to always keep your expectations realistic when it comes to styling products and know that less is more.

Detangling hair safely, gently, and efficiently can be accomplished best by using 3 of your senses.  To do this effectively, you will need to comb your hair in front of a mirror, not in the shower.  Here's why:

Touch, of course, is an essential sense for this task.  Feel your fingers slide smoothly through your hair before you even pick up a comb.  If you encounter any resistance, stop to separate matted hairs or knots before continuing.

Speaking of knots, it's important to use your sight sense to see how many hairs are involved.  It is best to try to get the entanglement down to two hairs before you snip it out with scissors, if necessary.  Looking in a mirror will enable you to easily spot matted areas or tangles before they turn into knots.

Next, use your hearing sense to help prevent damage while combing.  Listen for any snapping or popping sounds because this can mean that you are being too rough and need to ease your touch.  Even though it can be convenient to detangle in the shower, it is nearly impossible to hear hairs breaking with the water running.  Why not do your hair a favor and use your senses of touch, sight, and hearing for safer and healthier detangling?

Layering or mixing hair conditioners and treatments can increase the variety of proteins, vitamins, and minerals that you infuse into your hair, thus improving its health, appearance and manageability.  Keep in mind that hair only absorbs what it needs and the rest of the nutrients will just sit on the surface of the hair shaft.  This is only a problem if buildup occurs and hair starts to look and feel brittle, stiff, limp, dry or dull.  If you are happy with the results, then your "special recipe" is probably working.

When referring to curly hair, shrinkage is the difference in length of your hair when it falls naturally (dry hair) and the length when it is extended.  Wavy hair shrinks around 2 to 4 inches, medium curly hair around 5 to 8 inches, and extremely tight curls can shrink around 9 to 12 inches, sometimes more.  It varies from mane to mane, but two things remain the same for every curly head--your hair will be healthier, and your life will be easier if you can learn to embrace your hair shrinkage and choose a style that works with it, not against it.
