Because black hair deserves only the best.

Hair | Tips | conditioner

How to make your own leave-in conditioner

To make your own leave-in conditioner, mix 1 pint of distilled water with 1 tablespoon of your favorite conditioner and put it in a spray bottle.  For aromatherapy and other health benefits, also add 3 to 6 drops of an essential oil such as lavender, rosemary, or ylang ylang to the mixture.  Shake well before using.

How to safely remove tangles from hair

If you encounter a tangle or matted area while combing your hair, stop combing, and immediately apply a creamy conditioner to the area.  Finger massage the conditioner directly into the tangle and gently and slowly separate the hairs until the tangle is removed.  Apply more conditioner if needed for stubborn knots.  Once you can run your fingers smoothly through your hair, you can resume combing.

Know the layers of a hair strand

A hair strand consists of three layers.  The cuticle is the outer layer--this layer has an average of three to ten layers that should be tightly packed together.  Proper moisturizing and conditioning are important to strengthen and protect the cuticle layers.  The cortex is the next layer under the cuticle--this layer determines your natural hair color and is where all permanent chemical changes (relaxers, hair dye) take place.  The medulla is the inner most layer--this protein layer is hollow, and the cuticle and cortex layers shape around it.  Most hair damage occurs in the cuticle layer and in extreme cases, the damage can reach the cortex and medulla.  Knowing and understanding the layers of a hair strand can help you make healthier choices for your hair.

Less is more when it comes to styling products

Unfortunately, the perfect amount of styling product that works best in your hair can only be determined through trial and error.  When trying a new product, first apply a dime-sized amount to a section of hair and then observe.  If it looks good, then continue applying the same amount to each section of your hair until complete.  If you haven't achieved the desired effect, try increasing to a nickel-sized amount and apply to another section of hair.  Compare results.  If you still aren't satisfied, try increasing to a quarter-sized amount and then compare results.  At this point, if it still isn't working, then maybe it isn't the right product for you.  Sometimes, in cases of frizz or lack of shine, the problem is best corrected with proper cleansing and conditioning, not by over-applying a styling gel, pomade, serum, oil, or etc.  Remember to always keep your expectations realistic when it comes to styling products and know that less is more.
